Urban Legends Wiki

The Turbo Granny is a popular urban legend in Japan that has been circulating for many years. Originating around the highways of Mount Rokko in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan. The story soon gains traction. Soon, there were sightings all over Japan.

The general premise of these sightings involves a driver driving on the highway at night. Suddenly, she will catch the glimpse of an old lady speeding at the rear mirror. In most stories, the driver could only catch a glimpse of her, before she dashes away. Nevertheless,there are alternate versions. In some malicious variants, Turbo Banchan would purposely tail someone or knock on the windows. In these cases, the goal of Turbo Bachan is to cause an accident.


According to the legend, Turbo Granny is an elderly woman who drives a car at incredibly high speeds on highways late at night. She is said to appear out of nowhere and tailgate unsuspecting drivers, flashing her headlights and honking her horn aggressively. Some versions of the legend claim that if she catches up to you, she will either run you off the road or force you to crash.

The origins of the Turbo Granny legend are unclear, but it is believed to have started as a cautionary tale warning against reckless driving. The story serves as a reminder of the dangers of speeding and aggressive behavior on the road. Despite its fictional nature, the Turbo Granny legend has become a part of Japanese popular culture, with variations of the story being shared through word of mouth and online forums. It has also inspired works of fiction in literature and film, further perpetuating its presence in modern society.
